What are professional soccer balls filled with?

If you want to take your soccer skills to the next level, it’s important to understand the details that go into a professional soccer ball. While size and shape remain constant, the materials inside filled with either air or some combination of gases can make a huge difference in how well (or poorly) a ball performs.

You might take for granted all that goes into creating an ideal soccer experience, but learning about the composition of pro balls can help you appreciate each match even more.

We will also explore the pros and cons of various types of fillings – from synthetic leathers to foam rubber – so that you can make an informed decision when it comes time to purchase one. So get ready for some critical insights about today’s top professional soccer balls. Read on to discover what pro soccer balls are filled with and why it matters

What are official footballs filled with?

Official footballs, whether for soccer or American football, are primarily filled with air. This is done with a small, handheld pump that has a needle on one end. The needle is inserted into a tiny hole in the ball, known as the valve. The pump is manually operated to inflate the ball to the desired pressure. The pressure inside the ball is usually measured in pounds per square inch (psi), and different sports have different standard requirements. For instance, a professional soccer ball is filled to a pressure of 8.7 to 15.6 psi, while an official NFL football is filled to a pressure of 12.5 to 13.5 psi. The air inside the ball allows it to maintain its shape and bounce when kicked or thrown, which is critical for gameplay.

What are soccer balls made of?

The construction of a soccer ball involves several steps and components. Here is the step-by-step process:

  1. Material Selection: The outer covering of a soccer ball is typically made of synthetic leather, which is chosen for its durability and water-resistant properties. This material is stronger than real leather and performs better in varied weather conditions.
  2. Cutting and Stitching: The material is cut into hexagonal and pentagonal shapes. These pieces are then stitched together to form the outer shell. Professional-level balls usually have 32 panels, though variations can exist.
  3. Lining: Inside the outer shell, multiple layers of lining are added. These are typically made of polyester or cotton, and they help the ball retain its shape and bounce.
  4. Bladder Insertion: The bladder is the part of the ball that is inflated. It is usually made of latex or butyl. A latex bladder is softer and provides better surface tension, but it needs more frequent inflation. Butyl bladders retain air for a longer period.
  5. Inflation: The bladder is inserted into the ball, which is then stitched shut. The ball is then inflated to the correct pressure. For a professional soccer ball, this is typically between 8.7 and 15.6 psi.
  6. Quality Checks: The ball is checked for weight, circumference, roundness, bounce, and water absorption. It’s also subjected to tests such as shooting it at a steel plate to check for shape retention and durability.

These comprehensive steps ensure that a soccer ball can withstand the rigours of a professional match and perform consistently.

Are soccer balls Filled with helium?

While it is a popular belief, soccer balls are not filled with helium. Here are a few reasons why this is the case:

  1. Cost: Helium is a noble gas and is relatively expensive. It doesn’t make sense to use this expensive gas when air, which is readily available and free, works perfectly fine.
  2. Leakage: Helium atoms are small and can easily leak out through the material of the soccer ball. This would result in the ball deflating much quicker than if it were filled with air.
  3. Behaviour: A ball filled with helium would behave differently than a ball filled with air. It might travel further when kicked, but it would also be more affected by wind and other factors, making the game unpredictable.

In conclusion, while helium might be used in certain scientific applications or for things like party balloons, it isn’t practical for something like a soccer ball. The standard practice is to fill soccer balls with air.

Helium soccer ball experiment?

In a famous experiment conducted by the University of Leicester in 2016, helium was used to inflate a soccer ball. While this might sound counterintuitive given what we’ve discussed above, the purpose of the experiment was to test how changes in air pressure can alter a soccer ball’s trajectory and performance. The results of the experiment showed that inflating the ball with helium instead of air made it travel 8% higher and 4.5% faster than usual, making the game slightly more unpredictable. The experiment was a success, but in reality, helium is still not used to inflate soccer balls.

Are there any other fillings for soccer balls?

In addition to standard air, several different types of fillings can be used in a soccer ball.

One of the most popular fillings is foam rubber, which is lightweight and provides good cushioning for kickers. It also absorbs some of the impact that occurs when the ball is kicked or headed and can help reduce player injuries. Another type of filling used in soccer balls is thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). This material is extremely durable and gives the ball a bouncy feel when kicked. It provides better protection against water absorption as well, making it ideal for playing in wet conditions. Finally, some balls are filled with synthetic leather or microfibre instead of air. These materials provide more power during kicks and headers, but they are significantly heavier than air-filled balls. This makes them popular for professional games, but they are still commonly used in recreational matches.


In Conclusion, soccer balls are filled primarily with air. The process of creating a soccer ball involves the selection of materials, cutting and stitching, lining, bladder insertion, inflation, and quality checks. Helium is not used as a filling for soccer balls due to cost and practicality reasons. Several other fillings can be used in addition to air, such as foam rubber, TPU, leather, and microfibre. It is important to note that the type of filling used can result in a different playing experience. Therefore, it’s important to select the right material for your needs before purchasing a soccer ball.


Q#1) Professional soccer ball air pressure?

The air pressure of a professional soccer ball should be between 8.7 to 15.6 psi.

Q#2) Are professional soccer ball lighter?

Yes, professional soccer balls are usually lighter than recreational ones.

Q#3) What happens if a ball is filled with helium?

A ball filled with helium will travel higher and faster than when filled with air, making the game more unpredictable.

Q#4) What are Premier League footballs filled with?

Premier League footballs are filled with normal air.

Q#5) Are the World Cup balls filled with helium?

No, the World Cup balls are not filled with helium. They are usually filled with air or foam rubber.

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